الجمعة، 8 فبراير 2013

Playing the Online Poker Game

Playing poker online? Does it sound absurd? In all honesty, no because this trend has been happening all over the world and yes, even the wide, wide world of internet. 

Poker games are not a new thing but online poker game is a different thing all together. Online poker game utilizes the same rules and regulations of a regular poker game plus a whole lot of benefits from playing it online. The best thing about this is the website or web host of online poker game is not a casino thus the house does not win the money. Once you play an online poker game, you are automatically playing with other players from the different parts of the world. The web host of online poker game just receive compensation for hosting the games in the form of a small percentage of the pot.  

There are many advantages of playing online poker game than the traditional playing of a poker game. One would be in terms of convenience. A person would not have to go through the hassle of dressing, grooming, and travelling all the way to a casino because one could play in the convenience of their homes. Heck! A person could still play even if they haven’t taken a bath yet. Just don’t mention it to your other virtual players though. Aside from that, transactions that underwent in an online poker game are guaranteed safe and protected because web hosts of online poker game is usually protected from security softwares and companies. The probability of somebody cheating would also lessen because your opponent couldn’t possibly hide nor cheat the cards dealt in the table because it is a virtual world. Your opponent couldn’t possibly mark the cards in the deck that would ensure him/her of a winning deal. In an online poker game, a person is guaranteed of a safe and cheat-free environment. So, if you are the type who’s going to cheat whenever you feel like you are losing better think again. 

An online Poker game also caters to the needs and demands of each and every player (so long as it is reasonable). A person could have an option of playing with virtual players, if you’re the type to be challenged by the ability of computers or you’re a person who wants to prove to the world that humans are still smarter than computers-whatever your reason maybe, your wish is their command. If you are tired of the computer way of handling things, there is also an option in the online poker game to play with real players, in layman’s term-humans. This type of game could present as a challenge for a person because in an online poker game with real players, it is guaranteed to be a game of adventure and excitement. One of the highlights of an online poker game is the tournaments which could be offered in a daily basis depending on the web host. The tournament is really a chance for poker players to exhibit their skills and abilities in a poker game. 

There are also a variety of games available for everyone in an online poker game. There are other games like Texas Hold'em (a fast and fun variation of Seven Card Stud), Seven Card stud (the most well-known of all poker games), Seven Card stud (8 or better) (a fast-action online poker), Omaha (a kind of poker dealt the same way as Texas Hold'em but starts with four cards), Omaha (8 or better) (dealt the same way as Omaha except that the highest and lowest hands are the winners), and Draw (an old-time traditional poker game). 

An online poker is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. Just remember, download, install and play!

الخميس، 7 فبراير 2013



With the vast expansion of information technology nowadays, the Internet has become more and more viable means of recreation. Most people get to do the usual things they do off line. From watching television shows to playing games, the Web is definitely a feasible source.

In the midst of the new era in playing games, the web had been a perfect host of such activities. And one of the most popular and most sought-after games online is the all-time American classic game - poker.

Online poker is a poker game played over the Internet. Through this great innovation, more and more players were attracted to play poker.

However, to play online poker one must recognize first how to get things started. In order to play online poker, you must download software and Java applet into your computer.

Downloadable software requires longer time to download and install it on the hard drive of your computer. However, the graphics and value of the game are absolutely fine. Java-based programs are, on the other hand, poorer in quality.

Moreover, one must also be well adept of online poker's rules and regulations so that poker players may play online poker. There are the usual do's and don'ts that has to be observed so as to play online poker.

First, in order to play poker online one must set a budget limit and stick to it. This will help the player avoid unnecessary expenses due to uncontrolled money management. In the event you are already losing, try not to borrow money. Also, try not to lend some money to a friend who is losing terribly. Chances are, losing people who continues to play online poker ends losing more and the worst scenario is that the money you lent is losing too.

Try to learn money management. In most cases, it is far more important than developing your skills in order to play online poker. Establish some set limit regarding your gambling money. In the event that you have already reached your limit, get off and log out.

Next, when you are about to play online poker, try to equip yourself with the rules, the terms on bonuses and cashing out. Knowing all these things will most likely enable you to have a greater edge on the game.

Also, try to check if the online poker site is a member of a recognized organization. This will lessen the possibilities of online frauds. Try to check the customer service response before you commit yourself to play online poker. Ask them questions through phone calls or send them emails and observe how long will it take them to answer.

On the other hand, do not try to impress people online by betting more than you can present. To play online poker does not literally mean to gamble and show off at once. Do not think of getting rich just by playing online poker with outmost convenience. Try to play online poker more for fun and entertainment and not to make money. You will end up finding yourself losing the game.

Best of all, always remember that to play online poker is to be smart. Try to let your common sense take over. You should learn how to think with your mind and not with your money if you want to really play online poker.

Just take it easy. After all, online poker games do not have face-to-face interactions; hence, you have more time to think of a good strategy so as to win the game.

Playing the Online Poker Game

Playing the Online Poker Game

Playing poker online? Does it sound absurd? In all honesty, no because this trend has been happening all over the world and yes, even the wide, wide world of internet. 

Poker games are not a new thing but online poker game is a different thing all together. Online poker game utilizes the same rules and regulations of a regular poker game plus a whole lot of benefits from playing it online. The best thing about this is the website or web host of online poker game is not a casino thus the house does not win the money. Once you play an online poker game, you are automatically playing with other players from the different parts of the world. The web host of online poker game just receive compensation for hosting the games in the form of a small percentage of the pot.  

There are many advantages of playing online poker game than the traditional playing of a poker game. One would be in terms of convenience. A person would not have to go through the hassle of dressing, grooming, and travelling all the way to a casino because one could play in the convenience of their homes. Heck! A person could still play even if they haven’t taken a bath yet. Just don’t mention it to your other virtual players though. Aside from that, transactions that underwent in an online poker game are guaranteed safe and protected because web hosts of online poker game is usually protected from security softwares and companies. The probability of somebody cheating would also lessen because your opponent couldn’t possibly hide nor cheat the cards dealt in the table because it is a virtual world. Your opponent couldn’t possibly mark the cards in the deck that would ensure him/her of a winning deal. In an online poker game, a person is guaranteed of a safe and cheat-free environment. So, if you are the type who’s going to cheat whenever you feel like you are losing better think again. 

An online Poker game also caters to the needs and demands of each and every player (so long as it is reasonable). A person could have an option of playing with virtual players, if you’re the type to be challenged by the ability of computers or you’re a person who wants to prove to the world that humans are still smarter than computers-whatever your reason maybe, your wish is their command. If you are tired of the computer way of handling things, there is also an option in the online poker game to play with real players, in layman’s term-humans. This type of game could present as a challenge for a person because in an online poker game with real players, it is guaranteed to be a game of adventure and excitement. One of the highlights of an online poker game is the tournaments which could be offered in a daily basis depending on the web host. The tournament is really a chance for poker players to exhibit their skills and abilities in a poker game. 

There are also a variety of games available for everyone in an online poker game. There are other games like Texas Hold'em (a fast and fun variation of Seven Card Stud), Seven Card stud (the most well-known of all poker games), Seven Card stud (8 or better) (a fast-action online poker), Omaha (a kind of poker dealt the same way as Texas Hold'em but starts with four cards), Omaha (8 or better) (dealt the same way as Omaha except that the highest and lowest hands are the winners), and Draw (an old-time traditional poker game). 

An online poker is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. Just remember, download, install and play!

The Deal with Free Online Poker

The Deal with Free Online Poker

The saying that all good things comes for free seems to be applicable in free online poker. Before the revolution of technology particularly the internet, poker games are played in a very dramatic scene and an amateur in the tables of poker games are a real treat because the professional ones see them as opportunity for wealth gain. Now, let us fast forward a bit to the period when the internet revolution is starting. There! In the world of internet, some things come for free and this is what free online poker offers to ordinary people like us. 

There are many sites which offer free online poker to people, the only thing that you have to do is download their software, which is free by the way, and after that, you are on your way to playing free online poker. There are many reasons why people are using free online poker as a stepping stone in playing a much more professional game of poker. 

Some people might start playing free online poker just for the fun of it. Look at this, you have internet access, a computer, and of course, time. Once you have stumbled in the course of free online poker, all you have to do is click to the left then type to the right and viola! Free online poker is now in your monitors, staring back at you and almost daring you to take your first move. It’s free, convenient, and very fun to play which is why many people are now addicted to free online poker. 

Being a professional poker player entails a lot of practice and time therefore; free online poker is the best way to make sure that a person has sufficient practice in playing poker. Some people utilize free online poker as their stepping stone to becoming a professional and experienced poker player. 

Let us now proceed to the details of free online poker. As I said earlier, downloading the free software would be the best way to utilize free online poker therefore; a person must have internet access and computer (of course), windows 98 or higher. Running time for downloading the software is usually 15 minutes for 56 kpbs. and the software takes up 6.2MB of storage in a computer’s memory. 

After learning the technicalities which is boring yet essential, let us now dwell in the fun side of free online poker. There are many features included in the free online poker software and once you acquire it, you would also be able to utilize these features. One of the features here is that you have the option to play in public tables or private tables. For private tables, one must first ask for permission or a request to join the private table. You could also have the option to create your own private table thus making you feel rich and powerful. Aside from these features, free online poker also offers different types of games. These games are Texas Hold 'em, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, Seven Card Stud, Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo, and 5 Card Draw. Any player could use from these different types of games from free online poker. These different options for games make the free online poker package even more attractive and tempting for people. 

Just a reminder though, free online poker does not give out money just like in a casino because the amount that you see is not real. Though that is the case, the top winners of the free online poker would receive a gift from the web host like a t-shirt or other give-aways. So there you go folks! Enjoy the deal with free online poker. 

Rules and tips you need to know before you play poker

Rules and tips you need to know before you play poker

There are many forms and varieties of poker. Some of these include Texas Holdem, Omaha High-Low, 7 Card Stud, and many others. Although these might appear difficult to play, they aren't especially when you get to know the rules before you play poker. Despite the varieties in the games, they share common rules aside from the common goal, which is to win money from the other players by placing strategic bets with your dealt cards. 

The general rules you need to know before you play poker are:
- The standard 52-card deck is used when you play poker. The ace is considered as the high card except in High-Low games wherein, it can either be high or low.

- Aside from the hand rankings, study the terms used before you play poker.

- When you play poker, you and the other players will be each dealt with a "hand", a term used for cards. You make a bet based on the strength of your hand in every betting round. You should know the ranking of the hands when you play. This ranking is applicable to all poker games.

- When you play poker, the game moves clockwise around the table. When you play poker online, a disc or a small button in the screen represents this. The bets and the cards are placed and dealt this way.

- The most preferable position when you play poker is the "late position" - the position who bets last from among the group. This is an advantage when you play poker because you can, more or less, gauge the strength of the cards of the other players. To ensure that each player gets this advantage, the dealer button will rotate each hand.

- When you play poker, options like check, bet, raise, call or fold are some of the options you can do during your turn. 

- The pot always starts with blind bets. 

- When you play poker, betting also makes rounds in order to make the amount of money placed even. Aside from this, each round can have additional cards to be dealt which makes betting more intriguing.

- During every start of a hand, you and the other players who play poker with you are allowed to chips. You can get more of these in between hands but not in the middle of a hand.

- When you are interested to seriously play poker and its different varieties, it is best to get all the explicit game rules of each game. It is best to start first with low limits and then make yourself go higher in those games that involve higher stakes after improving your skills.

- Bluffing is one of the key strategies of winning when you play poker. It is usually used by players to throw off their opponents into thinking that they are holding the best hand. This is what makes the game exciting and interesting. The important point to remember here is for you to use your judgment when to take action when you bluff or when other players are bluffing.

Aside from these rules, here are some tips you have to remember when you play poker:
- When you play poker, remember that the play proceeds clockwise so it is wise not to take any action until it is your turn.

- It is good to be aggressive or a "bettor" than a "caller" when you play poker.

- It is important that you pay attention to your co-players when you play poker. Try to observe those players who are loose/aggressive and those who are tight. Poker experts recommend that it is generally better to play with the aggressive players unless you have a strong hand.

- When you play poker, pay attention to the other player's chip count. Play with those whose chip count is lesser than yours.

- Check your cards if they match the community cards. If they don't, throw your cards when there's a bet.

- A card should always be played with a 10 or higher or another card of the same suir.

- When you are one of the first players when you play poker, you are at risk from other players so it is best to play few hands.

- The most important thing you should remember when you play poker is to take your time and consider everything - the betting and the cards of your opponents

After reading all of these, it is important for you to checkout the specific guidelines and rules of the particular poker game you want to play. Good luck!

Poker Hands

The Essentials of Poker Hands

Have you ever tried playing poker? If yes, you are probably familiar with the term poker hands but if not, well this is your chance to learn the truth about poker hands.

Poker hands are the term used whenever a person or someone has 5 cards dealt in their deck. There is a certain ranking for these poker hands and not the usual ranking like one, two, and three. There are different rankings used for poker hands just like in a regular card game. 

Here are some of the rankings of poker hands. The first ranking would be the high card. These are the type of poker hands that are ranked by the value of their highest card. For example, your poker hands are 7, 6, and 5, then 7 would be the highest and so forth. If your poker hands have the same value, it is then ranked as the next highest. The next type of ranking for poker hands would be pairs. As the word implies, 2 out of the 5 cards in the poker hands must have the same value. The next type of ranking for poker hands would be two pairs. This type of ranking for poker hands consists of two different pairs. The next type is called three of a kind wherein three out of the five cards in one’s poker hands are the same. Another type of ranking is called a straight wherein the cards in the poker hands contain 5 consecutive values which is ranked according to the rule of the highest card. The next kind of ranking or classification of poker hands is called flush. This kind of flush is not related to the ordinary flush that we know. A flush is formed when all the cards (five cards) in the poker hands are of the same suit or classification (e.g. five hearts or five spades). The next type is called a full house wherein three out of the five cards in the poker hands are of the same value while the remaining two are a pair. The next kind of ranking for poker hands is called four of a kind. As the name suggests, four of a kind is when four of the five cards in the poker hands are of the same value and it is also ranked by the value of the 4 cards. The next type of ranking or classification of poker hands is called a straight flush. It is a combination of straight and flush hence the name. Sounds confusing? It is actually easy; here the cards of the poker hands have the same suit with consecutive values. The last and the best classification of poker hands is called the Royal flush wherein all the best cards which is comprised of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10 are all in the same suit.

Is it still hard to grasp? Well, a little visualization could help you envision the different ranking of poker hands. Take a look at the following examples:

High Card - 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

Pair – 4, 4 and 6, 6

Two Pairs – 3, 3 and Spade, Spade

Three of a kind – 7, 7, 7 or King, King, King

Straight – 9 of diamonds (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9)

Flush – All king of Spades (4, 5, 6, 7, and 8)

Four of a Kind – 8, 8, 8, 8 or Queen, Queen, Queen, Queen

Straight Flush – 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Diamonds

Royal Flush - Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10 of Diamonds

Now that you know the essentials of poker hands, with a little luck and discipline, you could find your way to the road of a winning streak!

Poker Software

The Real Deal with Poker Software

Poker software is an indispensable tool for a poker player. It could assist him in building up his poker site, which is one of the most lucrative online businesses nowadays, provide him the best simulation of the game to train further with the elusive game of poker, run reports, show statistics, display information about one’s game by reading his hand histories, and even some of one’s opponents. Those are the major ways poker software may provide help to a poker enthusiast.

To give you a more in-depth look on which poker software available in the market does what, here is a rundown of some of the poker software and the features they claim to set them apart from other types of poker software. Spicy reviews for you to consider are also made available for each of these poker softwares.

Turbo Texas Hold’em, Turbo 7 Card Stud, Tournament Texas Hold’em, Turbo Omaha HI/LO
These are Wilson poker software that claim to produce the most realistic simulation of poker nowadays. But users and reviewers say that their interface could be so cranky and is hard to set-up.

DD Tournament Poker
This poker software is said to be perfect for beginners and experienced players alike. 5000 computer opponents are available in this program and one can choose from three skill levels. Poker aficionados also have the choice of playing a pre-define tournament or to customize one that will meet their specifications.

Holdem Inspector 2
This is a poker software that has this innovative feature of allowing one to analyze his game and study a certain situation, thus the name. It also enables players to put up various profiles to test different techniques for many poker situations.

Seven Card Inspector 2
This is labeled as the “little brother” of the Holdem Inspector 2 poker software. Though it has the ability to track up cards and outs, the available profiles are not that commendable. It does not also allow you to run complex simulations.  This software apparently has bad reviews on its belt.

Poker Pal Pro, Tellis Software
This poker software is reported to look really good but has bad execution. Aside from losing important info as players change, this program does not update well also.

This is a Texas Holdem poker calculator that boasts to fully analyze complex preflop situations about 100 times faster than other available tools.

Crazy Pineapple 
This poker software claims to have an easy installation feature and a smart computer advisor. It has an internet play and a watch play that for the purpose of learning.

Poker Office
This is said to be one of the most well-developed poker software since their first versions. Its features are its ability to automatically track stats, import old hand histories, and its giving of advice on how to improve the game. Review has it that this poker software is worth one’s money.

Mobile Poker Trainer
This poker software is a good download for the cellphone. This is the mobile version of the Texas Hold’em poker software. It’s good to kick boredom away with this poker software in your mobile phone. The downside of this program is its being limited to five characters that have predictable playing strategies. Reviewers say that it does not live out its name, it’s better off as a video game.